Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hello...Who's there?

Waking to hour that no one desires to visit. Sleep departs the body like whaling stands of mist above a still pond in the pale blue moonlight. Dare not move as the touch of a phantom-like presence embraces all surroundings. Never to call out, nor acknowledge such a wave of fear that resides within ones physical walls tonight. Move to reach for such an unwelcome visitor in the murky cold night air will only confirm all uncertainties and haste the harsh reality of what is so very near. Eire unrecognizable shadows from winter limbs cast disturbing figures upon walls that seemed so kind by the light of day. Back to sleep, as this must only be the minds eye clouded with uncertainty and the soul perplexed by such an unholy hour. As sleep begins to grace over the body once again, and dread flows back to its residing pool buried deep in the subconscious, peace returns as if to flow from under the door filling the room once again. It is only then, you hear a faintest of whisper, only audible over owns beating heart. “Who is there?” A voice hisses, “Who is there?”…

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